We are changing the status quo to make the impossible possible, by expanding the scope of new targets for drug development through targeted protein manipulation.

Protein-Protein Interference Blockade

Protein-protein interactions are universal to life. They occur as part of normal physiological processes at the cellular level. However, many human diseases are known to be caused by abnormal protein-protein interactions such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular and infectious diseases.

In the past, targeting intracellular protein-protein interaction sites as potential targets for drugs has been challenging because the binding sites are non-distinct; they are flat, featureless and relatively large.

With recent advances in protein-protein focused drug discovery technologies, these challenges have been overcome. Today, protein-protein interaction modulators are an attractive emerging class of molecular targets. Several modulator therapeutics are on the market, and many more are advancing through clinical studies.

Protein-Protein Interference

Our approach is to precisely identify and target the contact points of two interacting proteins. We design specific peptide candidates to block the interaction of the two proteins and add targeting membrane-permeable sequences to enable the peptides to penetrate into the cytoplasm of cells and/or to cross the blood brain barrier. Achieving both blood brain-barrier penetration and cell permeability are significant advantages of our technology. It broadens the opportunity to develop new targeted therapies for a variety of diseases. The ability to cross the blood-brain barrier is especially vital for CNS disorders, where the therapeutic target resides in the brain.

We have validated our protein interference blockade technology in vitro and in vivo involving multiple protein targets in neurological indications.


Our protein-protein interference blockade platform offers several significant advantages compared to small molecules and antibodies.


Characteristics Interference Peptide Small Molecule Inhibitor Antibody
Low toxicity X X
Ease of manufacturing MAYBE X
Ease of finding a new molecule X MAYBE
Blood-brain barrier and cell permeability MAYBE X
Does not require information on protein structure X MAYBE
Can target disorderly parts of a target protein X MAYBE



Protein-Protein Interference Blockade ] [ CHAPTAC ] [ Scientific Publications ]